Sunday, January 30, 2011

Twenty-Something vs. Thirty-Five-Plus-Something. Guess Who Wins?

I went out the other night for what seemed like the first time in ages. Yes, it was nice to see my friends, but I really have to ask...what in the hell was so appealing about going out in our twenties that made us want to do it every weekend?  

After much consideration, I believe it all boils down to this: going out in our twenties was easy. We had less to worry about. 

Allow me to illustrate...

Getting Ready:

A Twenty-Something's Preparation for a Night Out:

A Thirty-Five-Plus-Something's Preparation for a Night Out:

Advice for the aging: Try pancake makeup. Or, try this...

Picking Something to Wear: 

Advice for the aging: Try these...

 Twenty-Something's Closet:

A Thirty-Five-Plus-Something's Closet:

Shoes and Accessories: 

    Twenty-Something:           Thirty-five-Plus-Something:

Advice for the aging: try these...

or, better yet, this...

A Twenty-Something's Purse: 

A Thirty-Five-Plus-Something's Purse:

I've only listed a few of the differences. Don't even get me started on how big of a pain in the ass it is to figure out who is driving, where we are going to park, and blah, blah, blah, blah.

Like I said, it was nice spending time with my friends, even though I couldn't hear a single word they were saying because the music was so freaking loud my ears are still ringing. Yeah, I know, I'm sounding old, right? Well, just to share with you how eager I was to get home, this is how I found my things the next morning... and, no, I wasn't drunk.

This is what happens when you wear Spanks and high-heal boots. I'm surprised I didn't have a portable potty in that big-ass-purse I lugged around all night. 

So, yes, it appears that my club-hopping days are over. But worry not, I'm still super cool... 


Shawna said...

OMFG! Too funny and SO true! I tend to bring my diaper bag with me everywhere (still). You just never know when you will need a baby wipe and besides, you can put a ton o' shit in these puppies!! Ahh, the good ole' days :).......

BlackLOG said...

What you seem to have forgotten is that as you get older your eyesight starts to fade, believe it or not this is actually a good thing and nature does this for a reason.

When you look at yourself in a mirror the blur in front of you still looks fantastic, Those hideous looking people (when you were in your twenties) suddenly don’t look that bad.

So unless you want to pick up some pubescent overexcited spot riddled teenager there is no real need for all that elaborate preparation.

Perhaps keep the paper bag with a touch more lipstick cause that makes you look hot…. See I told you age comes with compensation, now where did I put my white stick….

ConsciouslyFrugal said...

Um, people still go out after the age of 35? Great. More pressure. And here I thought I could just bald and get fatter without any worry.

(p.s. that hoodie is totally adorable)

Consciously Sedated/Rachel Paul said...

Shawna; I wish I had an excuse for a diaper bag. If anyone saw me carrying one they would think I was about to abduct a baby.

BlackLOG: I had lasik surgery done, so that puts the kibosh on that theory, although I believe it to be true from an evolutionist's standpoint. And I agree...I didn't mind looking at myself before the surgery. Since I've had it done? Not so much. Thanks for reading;)

CF: I don't think it's the standard, only for singletons who lack a life. Don't worry. There is absolutely no pressure;)

Thanks y'all. It makes me really excited to get comments. Again, I am a singleton w/ no life;)

Shawna said...

Is it just me or is Rachel (aka Consciously Sedated), the REAL Carrie Bradshaw?! Love it!