Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Well, Since You Asked...

Some of you may have noticed *this* circulating on facebook...

It warrants serious consideration. However, when it comes down to it, the answer is pretty simple...

Oh, how I long for a man with classic good looks.


Bretthead said...

I keep waiting for the balding crooked head, scruffy face, poor posture, slight beer belly, dressed like a daddy/ad-man look to be hot.

Consciously Sedated/Rachel Paul said...

Now stop! You still got it;)

A Beer for the Shower said...

Wowza! Thanks so much for all your kind comments and for taking the time to slog through our backlog of old crappy posts:) Like I was telling Bryan last night, it feels good to hear praise for our actual writing, since we made the big shift to mostly being a webcomic last year. Actually, it's for that reason that we're going to be doing more of a balance of the two from here on out. I'm looking forward to reading more of your work (it looks funny here so far!) and hope you have a rockstar weekend. By the way, what the hell ever DID happen to classic good looks? And for the record, supermodels make me want to barf. Like a...well, like a supermodel.

Consciously Sedated/Rachel Paul said...

Old crappy posts? Never! I really enjoyed your older stuff. And, yes, the fact that they are well-written also helps. There are tons of really funny blogs out there—mine included... "funny," of course, being used loosely— that would make Strunk and White roll over in their graves. And yes, I know, grammar rules can change over time, but there is no excuse for ignoring the basics.

That said, I am going to stop now because whenever I get on my high horse about grammar, I usually make a total ass of myself by making tons of unforgivable grammatical errors.

In short, I'm glad you will be doing more writing; it's what you both do well, and you shouldn't suppress that kind of talent.

Thanks for stopping by;)

Sandra said...

You compile a pretty darn good collage! I'm very impressed. I still have a hard time printing, never mind doing all that fancy stuff. You did neglect to include a shiny vampire in your good looking men section. Just sayin'... :)

middle child said...

Beauty is in the eye of the drugged, easily influenced, blind and apathetic ones. So sad.

Consciously Sedated/Rachel Paul said...

Sandra: Cut and paste. That's my secret, but I don't think you should be adding any new projects to that all ready full plate of yours. Vampire would have dated him to far back;)

Middle Child: And don't forget the beer goggles. Alcohol is the best air brusher ever.