Saturday, December 24, 2011

Santa is a Murderer

Unlike most children, I was probably the only kid in the world who wasn't at all disappointed to find out that Santa did not exist. In fact, if anything, I was a little relieved.

I never truly understood how, on one hand, our parents could ingrain the fear of God into us for talking to strangers, and yet, on the other, they'd force us to sit on some old man's lap while he promised us toys in exchange for telling him if we'd been good little boys or girls. Hmmm? Just how extensive is the background check on someone applying for the position of Mall-Santa? I think this warrants serious consideration because, let's face it, "Mall-Santa" would be a pedophile's dream job.

It wasn't my aversion to the obligatory Santa-photo that made me despise him. My deep-seated hatred for this old man developed at the age of five, when I learned a very unfortunate lesson: that which Santa giveth, he can easily taketh away. 

Terrace, B.C. 
I became privy to this lesson while my family and I were living in a remote area of northwestern British Columbia. Our modest house was enveloped by thick forest and was bordered by mountainous terrain. We were pretty much in the middle of nowhere, and had it not been for Rudolph's shiny, luminous nose, I doubt Santa would have ever stood a chance in hell of finding us. This was, after all, long before Google Maps and GPS even existed. 

In the week preceding Christmas, my parents surprised my siblings and me with the best gift ever imaginable: a horse.  Of course, it was understood that this horse was a gift from Santa, even though it came one week early. 
This is how I remember her...

In keeping with the festive spirit, we named this majestic beauty "Holly." She was white with grey spots and was enormous compared to the four little children who danced excitedly around her shiny, black hooves. 

This is probably a more accurate
 representation of what she looked like.
Looking back, I am willing to bet that my parents purchased Holly on a whim. You didn't have to be a financial adviser to see that Holly wasn't their wisest investment. First of all, our property, though remote and rustic, was not conducive to raising anything larger than chickens and rabbits. And secondly, aside from a chicken coop, we had nothing capable of providing safe haven for Holly. Yep, I can pretty much guarantee that Holly was a few gallops away from the glue factory, and had it not been for my parents and the modest fee they paid for her, we would have probably made her acquaintance on an arts and crafts table instead of meeting her for the first time in our front yard.  

My dad, whose vocation was to construct things, set out to build Holly a stable. What started off as a "small project" for my father, the construction worker of yore, ended up taking a whole week of back-breaking labor. As fate should have it, Holly's stable was finally completed on Christmas Eve. 

Fat fucking sack of murder!!
We all watched with eager anticipation as Dad lead Holly into her own little home for the first time. Had it not been for our excitement about Santa's visit that night, we would have all slept more peacefully knowing that Holly was safe and sound in her stable, especially since large snowflakes were beginning to fall from the ominous winter sky...

animated snow

and these large snowflakes continued to fall while my parents wrestled us into bed... 

they fell while my parents hurried to wrap the last of the gifts...

and they fell...

and fell...

and fell...

..until we all awoke on Christmas morn to what looked like a Thomas Kinkade painting. Outside our window was a pristine winter wonderland. Everything was buried under a thick blanket of snow, and nothing could be identified if you hadn't made a mental note of where it stood the night before.

Needless to say—visually—it was the picture-perfect Christmas morning. In reality, however, it was far from perfect. In fact, it would soon unravel to be the worst Christmas ever experienced by a child living in a developed nation. 
While we were busy unwrapping our gifts, Dad went out to check on Holly. Shortly after, he returned and summoned my mother into the kitchen. A great deal of time had passed before they both came out to the living room, each of them sporting a somber look.

"Ahem," my dad cleared his throat in a manner that suggested he was about to have a breakdown. 

"Kids, we have something we need to tell you," said he, the man who went on to build tall skyscrapers for a living. 

This announcement didn't have enough punch to distract us from our gifts. 

"Ummm, appears as though Holly has gone to Heaven." All eight eyeballs were now fixed firmly upon him.

This evoked a battery of questions from four very confused children...

"Why? Didn't she like living with us?"...."Is she coming back?"...."Where's Heaven? Can we go see her?"..."Didn't she like her stable?"

And then came the one question that I am sure they were hoping to avoid...

"What happened? How did she die?" Of course, this question came from my older sister, Andrea, who actually understood that in order to get into Heaven, you first must die.  

In unison the rest of us asked, "She's dead???? How did she die???"  Again, the question they were trying so desperately to avoid. 

"Well," answered my father, hoping that my mom would chime in to answer; she did not. "Unfortunately, kids, the snow storm made it very difficult for Santa to land his sleigh."  

We all listened attentively, our eyes welling up with tears. 

"Santa misjudged his landing, and instead of landing on the house, he accidently landed on Holly's stable. The stable could not handle the weight of Santa and his reindeer, and it collapsed, killing Holly." And with that, the flood gates opened with a vengeance. 

This tragic event pretty much ruined the rest of the day. We'd each have moments— between consoling one another—when we'd play with our new toys, but it was difficult to appreciate a gift that was given to you by the man who had just flattened your horse. 

Thankfully, I only had a few more years of believing in Santa. But with the knowledge that he did not exist, so came the knowledge that my parents had lied about the details of Holly's death.

Dad helped build the Calgary Tower
For years I had to deal with the fact that our horse's stable—the one which my father had so carefully crafted—had really collapsed under the weight of the snow. This may not seem like a big deal, but later in life, when we would drive around Calgary, and my father would proudly point out all the high-rises he had played a huge part in building, I had no other choice but to pray that these buildings were built on sounder foundations than the one on which he had built Holly's stable. 

It has taken me a long time, but I have since forgiven my parents. As for Santa? That murdering dirt-bag is dead to me. 

Free Clipart
Snow people make great friends. They melt.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Pinterest for Men

Totally using this on my girlfriend
the next time we have a fight!

Downloading this on my Kindle

Must have this!

Hope this comes in a set!
Condom Christmas Wreath that screams,
"Hey, I'm a playa!"
Dude, totally making this!
Table centerpiece for game day.
Beer can with meatball flowers.
So easy to DIY!

Making this tonight!

Dude! Totally gonna use this as my
Christmas Card.

Giving Credit Where Credit's due. <--- Click on link. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

From Austin to Boston: Part Four - Better Late than Never

Part One, Part Two, and Part Three

Okay, I admit it... I suck. Whenever I find myself in a situation where someone expects something of me, I totally flake, which is why I will never be a real writer.

Yes, I know, this installment is way past due, but I blame Sally. She kept hounding me to post part four. The pressure, quite frankly, has been unbearable. I keep having these stress dreams in which I have to go back to finish high school because it is discovered that, due to some clerical error, I never really had the credits to graduate. Oh, and then there are the dreams where I keep losing my teeth. People, it is absolutely maddening, I tell ya. I have no earthly clue how Dickens or Hemingway ever did it. Well, granted, they both had an affinity for the drinky-drink, so maybe I kinda understand.

That said, I must apologize to all three of my readers. Sally, Terie, and googlebot: please forgive me. I give you part four... mostly in bullet format because I'm a lazy shit like that.
  • We spend the whole day at the hospital with Anders and Sally. 
  • In an effort to wean Anders off Sally's iphone, we play charades. 
  • I brilliantly reenact Gob's chicken impression from Arrested Development.
  • No one gets it because, OMG, they have not watched Arrested Development.
  • I make a personal decision to cut ties with any friend who watches AD and doesn't think it's the BEST FUCKING SHOW EVER. If they don't get it, then they don't get me.
  • Over the next twenty minutes, I force them to watch Gob's chicken dance on Youtube. 
  • Because we are too distracted to notice, Anders has been playing on Sally's iphone the entire time. Oooops. 
  • Sono tech enters room with a huge machine to do Anders' echo. I think he is kinda cute.
  • Sono tech turns out to be a doctor doing his fellowship in pediatric cardiology. He just became, like, really fucking hot. 
  • Echo does not yield the results we were hoping for. Anders will most likely have to go back for surgery. 
  • The look on Sally's face is heartbreaking. 
  • We solemnly gaze out the window while anticipating "Boston Snowstorm 2011," a storm so huge, CNN is covering it and even the locals are freaking out. 
  • As nightfall approaches, we notice huge snowflakes fall from the ominous sky.
  • We try to elicit Anders' interest in snow, but he couldn't care less. 
  • Anders masters "Angry Birds" on the iphone that Sally is trying to wean him off of.  
  • Terie and I leave well after visiting hours to brave the storm.
  • Being the two northern girls that we are, we decide to walk back to the apartment. 
  • We get about twenty feet out of the hospital's entrance when we decide that it is unwise to walk home in these conditions. My decision is based on my visual of Jack Nicholson's stiff, frozen body after he gets lost in the maze in "The Shining." I don't think Terie can visualize much of anything; her eyes are watering so much that I wonder if she is crying out of fear. Turns out, this is just a reaction to the cold. 
  • We spend the next hour trying to hail a cab. Boston cab drivers are ASSHOLES.
  • When we finally get home, Terie and I pull up two chairs in front of the huge window that overlooks Boylston Street.  
  • We spend the next hour watching people dressed up for Halloween as they try to catch cabs to take them to their party destinations. Boston cab drivers are ASSHOLES. And, Oh My God, this is what we choose to do on a Saturday night... while on VACATION. We are getting old
  • Before we go to bed, I say my prayers, which includes praying that we wake up to snowbanks the size of Mt. Rushmore in hopes of getting snowed in, thereby preventing us from returning to Austin for work. 
  • Next morning: blue skies and a little bit of slush. Fuck! Does God ever answer prayers?
  • We spend the morning with Anders and Sally. 
  • As it is our last day, Sally insists that Terie and I go out to do some last minute sightseeing. 
  • We head to the North End via the "T," thank you very much, because we are the effing gurus of public transportation.
  • The North End is Boston's little Italy. 
  • I am inspired to speak in an Italian accent. The. Entire. Time. Even while doing Gob's chicken dance.
  • Terie gets annoyed.
  • Pffft! What good are friends if you can't annoy them?
  • We have appetizers at two different restaurants. 
  • Benevento's... awesome, highly recommended.
  • Rabia... not so much. Our lack of appetite could be due to the fact that we are full, or maybe it's because one of the "decorations" sitting on the window sill next to our table looks like this:

  • Terie gladly schools me by informing me that this is called a gourd. I hate to make her feel stupid, but I am pretty sure this is a plasticized replica of Snooki's spray-tanned vagina. 
  • Don't believe me?

  • See? Told ja!
  • After picking up Cannoli (it's the plural form, I swear. Look it up.) from Mike's Pastries, we head back to the hospital, where Sally dresses Anders up for Halloween, and where I proceed to wolf down an entire cannolo that Sally was convinced none of us would ever finish. 
  • My fat jeans—bought for the trip to replace the skinny jeans that can no longer accommodate my fat ass—just became my new skinny jeans.
  • Anders is dressed up as Mario. Can you say ADORABLE?

  • Saddened by the news that Anders definitely needs to go back for a second surgery, we regretfully bid adieu to Sally and Anders.
  • We hate to leave Sally in her time of need, but she assures us that Sarrah and Karen will be arriving tomorrow to take over our duty of being "supportive friends." 
  • I'm happy they are going to be here for her, but I secretly hope that Terie and I have done a better job of keeping Sally's spirits up. 
  • The day after we get home, we learn Anders is out of surgery and doing well. Yaaay!
  • Dang it! Sally texts us to tell us that Karen just bought a gazzillion dollars worth of groceries so Sally and Anders will have food for when they return to the apartment. Who does she think she is, anyway? I wonder if Karen was brave enough to sneak wine past security, like Ter and I did, just so we could throw down in a children's hospital 'cuz that's how we do. 
  • Determined not to be outdone by Mizz Oh-I-Just-Bought-You-A-Rotisserie-Chicken Karen, Terie and I send Anders this...

  • What? Shut up! It was done in the name of happiness! Yeah, that's right, happiness. As in the happiness of a child... who just had OPEN-HEART surgery. So suck it!
  • After sending this to Anders, who apparently watches it a thousand times groceries, smoceries, we get this in return...
But, wait, I must warn you: it's a little offensive. Viewer discretion is definitely advised. Grab your Valtrex, ladies and gents, 'cuz this shit's going viral!

The kid's got talent!

Update: Anders is doing awesome. The surgery was a success, which just goes to show ya, sometimes...

God does answer prayers.