Who's That Girl?

Below is that stupid survey that circulated around Facebook a few years back. I've included it in this section because I feel it accurately represents who I am. 

25 things about me....

by Rachel Paul on Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 11:48p


  1.  I believe in honesty
  2.  My answers will reflect this. Sorry. 
  3.  I think these kind of surveys are totally gay.
  4.  I am a huge hypocrite; hence, the reason I am doing this totally   gay survey.
  5.  I use the term "gay" to describe something that is...well...gay - I am not referring to same sex relationships. Sorry if this is politically incorrect. 
  6. I have a long family history of cancer, depression, and alcoholism. I fear that I will suffer from all of them at some point in my life. 
  7. I love my family dearly but have a very difficult time being near   them for any length of time, which could be the reason I moved to another country. 
  8. I feel immense guilt for not being closer to my family (emotionally and geographically).
  9. I could have been a great doctor had I applied myself, but I realize that I could not deal with doing a job that would make me more miserable than what I already am. 
  10. In reference to number 9 - I respect doctors more than they know. I would never want to be burdened with the accountability and stress that they endure on a daily basis. 
  11. In reference to number 9 - I am not miserable being a nurse...it has its ups and downs like any job, but I feel, somedays, it is a thankless profession.
  12. My work mates are like family. I hate that they know as much about me as they do. 
  13. I choose amazing friends - I feel like this is one of my best qualities. 
  14. My dog is my baby. I see cute things and they remind me of her. I know if I ever had children this might change, but don't count on it. 
  15. I truly believe you should never say never.
  16. I also believe that the day you realize never to say never is the day you become less judgmental of others. This makes you a better person.
  17. As much as I poke fun at my mother, she is the most influential woman in my life. Her life lessons have made me a better person, and I love her more than she will ever know.
  18. The older I get, the more I am becoming my mother. Unfortunately, I am developing all her traits that used to piss me off about her; ie, her forgetfulness and her horrible dance moves at weddings. 
  19. I fear failure.
  20. I had a boyfriend who once told me that my belief that I would always be single was like a self-fulfilling prophecy. He may have been right.
  21. I hate commitment.
  22. Buying my house is one of the best things I have ever done. It just scares the shit out of me that I am somewhat stuck here. 
  23. I have no problem being single until someone makes a point of making it seem like it is a huge aberration. 
  24. I would rather be happy alone than miserable with someone else. I have seen too many people sacrifice their own happiness because they are too scared of being alone.
  25. I feel like I am fucked up enough to warrant therapy
  26. I feel like therapy is a huge waste of money. We all know what ails us. Part of life is achieving the wisdom to know how to overcome our problems. It all works out in the end.
  27. I hope that when I die, I have reached the "self-actualization" on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. In many ways, I feel like I am somewhat close, which brings me back to #25. Holla!
Yes, I realize there are 27 when there should have only been 25. Number 28 was going to be...I really suck at math;) 29. I am the poster child for a walking contradiction.