Saturday, November 27, 2010


I've been working a lot, writing a lot, sleeping a lot...anything to avoid the reality of the last couple of months. Sometimes, I think I'm coping well and moving on, and then, out of nowhere, it hits me; she is gone.  Losing someone you love sucks the big one. But at the same time, I can look at this photo and see something in her face that tells me she posed for this picture knowing that, one day, I would be analyzing her smile, the look in her eyes...the whole expression on her face that says, "Aunty Rachel, it's all going to be okay. Trust me, silly!" And I do trust her, because in the side-view mirror, there is a long, snow-covered road that has been traveled, and yet she smiles, completely unfazed.


Anonymous said...

This is so true of our sweet girl. You have a way Rachel of knowing exactly what to say and what to write. Alisha was an amazing girl Rachel and very much like you in her wisdom. I miss her so much too.
luv you. Mom.

Andrea said...

Thank you Rachel for keeping memories of Alisha alive. I love reading all your stories especially the ones about her<3

Anonymous said...

Do you mind if i ask what happened to her?
She was beautiful

Aimee said...

<3 beautiful, i miss her so very much :(